Cats and Dogs are Not food. Stop the killing and torture of animals in Vietnam.

  • da: artem m
  • destinatario: Vietnamese government and Peta

Hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats are killed every year for their meat in Vietnam. Cats are the forgotten victims of the dog meat trade. They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many Vietnamese believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced. Thousands of cats are also slaughtered for soups and so-called "health" tonics. Specifically, there is the necessity to inflict and to sustain suffering as much as possible on the selected creature(s) in order to 'improve the quality' - read 'taste' - of the doomed animal(s). They are thrown into boiling water while still alive. We must take action to persuade the Vietnamese government to legalize a ban on dog and cat meat and forever stop this technically illegal, corrupt, and sordid industry. Eyewitnesses have reported cats being literally torn apart while still alive, their tormentors saying that the more prolonged the torment of death, the better the taste.

as further details:

This attitude toward any living being is at best unforgivable. These tortures and murders must be stopped immediately. Do not support a nation that supports and promotes oppression and unspeakable cruelty. Innocent animals should not suffer. We do not have the right to kill others just because we are different species. Together we can end this.

There's no animal protection law in Vietnam. Please enact a ban on cat and dog meat consumption AND on the torture of ANY animal. This petition will be sent to representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy.

Share please, so we can get as many signatures as possible.

Thank you

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