Stop Missouri From Protecting Puppy Mills!

  • da: Amy Jordan
  • destinatario: Missouri House of Representatives

If a hearing is called, it could be one the floor within 2 weeks, so time is of the essence! 
Without our help, defenseless puppies are no match for the well-moneyed cattle industry that drafted this horrible bill, HB 479.

HB 479, sponsored by Rep. Jim Houghton, exempts animal identification records from Missouri’s Sunshine Law, which has been used in several HUGE puppy mill busts. This means we would not be able to request puppy mill inspection records, information on Chronic Wasting Disease from captive hunts, or inspection records on factory farms for disease outbreaks. This bill has been voted out of the first committee and is now awaiting a hearing in the Select Judiciary Committee in the House. 

Ask Missouri Representatives to vote NO for the reasons listed above. Also, alert your Senators to the bill and ask them to do everything they can to stop it, should it come over to the Senate.

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
In a slippery political move, the verbiage of this destructive bill has now it has now been added to another bill, and could be voted on in as little as two weeks!
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