Justice for DOG tied to railroad tracks and shot twice.

  • da: C Huber
  • destinatario: Tampa Florida police Department and prosecuting Attorney

Police in Tampa have charged two young men with animal abuse for strapping a dog to a railroad track and shooting her twice. Two others were charged with operating a dog fighting ring. According to the newspaper the two acquired the dog to fight, as it turns out she just wanted to be loved and not fight, so to them she was useless.

The dog was saved by police who responded to the gun fire. As of this date,with the help of a nearby animal hospital, thousands of dollars in donations and the hand of GOD, she's on her way to recovery. I ask that the City of Tampa, the prosacutor and the Court system, if those charged are found guilty, to impose the harshest punishment possible, allowed by law, for these inhuman acts.

Aggiorna #39 anni fa
Thanks again to all the wonderful and caring people who signed this petition. The following is the latest up-date available. The four people involved have all plated guilty, either to operating a dog fighting ring or firing a hand gun along with animal cruelty.

The oldest, charged with operating a Dog fighting ring, was given a fine of 1000.00 and 150 hours of community service but NO jail time. The others await the judges decision.

Aggiorna #29 anni fa
To thoses who signed this petition Thanks again. For a full update please google, Dog tied to railroadtracks and shot St. Pete Times. You can read the verdict and punishment handed out to one defendent. The other three have pleated guilty but still await the Judges rulling for punishment. Animal abuse has to stop there should be manatory jail time for anyone convicted.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Thanks to everyone who signed this petition. Animal abuse must be stopped. There is another petition that I would ask you to sign that deals with abuse. The petition is titled... Gordon Food Services put a stop to animal abuse. Please sign and share with friends as always thanks and GOD bless....
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