• da: Rhapsodys Blues
  • destinatario: Bill de Blasio, Mayor, New York City, NY

Two day rescue "Precious" died after being treated in documented deadly unsanitary and inappropriate care. This shelter needs to be accountable with the money it is given and help animals not destroy and damage them. Finally, it needs to become a "NO KILL" Shelter as is legally privileged by law. Citing the April 19, 2015 Comptroller Stringer Report's Audit: Improper handling of drugs and poor shelter conditions at Animal Care & Control.

Petitioners/Animal lovers, Please call or write the Mayor here:  Thank you.

712 dogs have been killed since March? About 70 are on the URGENT list right now in the boroughs section. This doesn't even count the cats!!

Comptroller Stringer's Audit in Full April 19, 2015:

Dear Mr Mayor, we would like to bring to your attention the following: Two day rescue "Precious" died after being treated in documented deadly unsanitary and inappropriate care. This shelter needs to be accountable with the money it is given and help animals not destroy and damage them. Finally, it needs to become a "NO KILL" Shelter as is legally privileged by law. Citing the April 19, 2015 Comptroller Stringer Report's Audit: Improper handling of drugs and poor shelter conditions at Animal Care & Control. Sincerely, All Of Us Who Love Animals

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
About 70 Urgent Status, will be killed soon in the Boroughs and Staten Island also NYC ACC dogs.

712 dogs KILLED since March. About 11 dogs a day. #NYCACC gets 1/2 $billion. Not care for nor adopt. Drugs missing.

Please write to any of the following on the NYC ACC contact page. Governor, Board of Directors. Thank you kindly for all you do to help.
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