Please sign and share this petition on all media sites in an effort to get a man charged more harshly for trying to strangle the neighbor's dog in an attempt to break the dog's neck "because it barks too much." He forced his way into the neighbor's apartment so that he could strangle its little Shih Tzu dog. We need to be a voice for the dog and ensure this guy is more severely held accountable for his actions.
A Mr. Roger Pelletier of Portsmouth, NH felt annoyed by his neighbors barking Shih Tzu dog, says that calls to the police and the apartment management resulted in no resolution. He decided to force his way into the apartment and try to break the dog's neck in an attempt to stop the barking. Apparently the neighbor, Jessie Angelli was home but her pushed her aside, stating, "I'm going to kill that dog."
Pelletier barged into the apartment, chased the dog Oreo into the bedroom where he grabbed it, threw it on top of her bed and "began choking her with both hands, then held the dog down with one hand." When officers asked what he was trying to accomplish by grabbing the dog's neck, he replied, 'tried breaking his neck.'" The good news is that Oreo is very much alive and undergoing medical treatment.
This guy really deserves much more than a minor misdemeanor. He barged into Ms. Angelli's apartment uninvited, assaulted her, then tried to kill her dog. Worse yet, he has a criminal history includes convictions for four counts of simple assault, a charge of second-degree assault, conduct after an accident and attempted kidnapping. Pelletier is definitely no angel but took it out on an innocent animal. Dogs bark. That's what they do. But he is fighting all charges and wants to return to his home, "promising not to bother anyone else!" We need to ensure he is put away with harsh charges and punishment, banned from coming within inches of any animals for the rest of his life! Let's be a voice for Oreo.
Portsmouth, NH Police Department - This man, Mr. Roger Pelletier needs to be more harshly held accountable for barging into a neighbor's apartment, assaulting her in his attempts to try and kill her dog. I would say those are really big charges needing harsher repercussions! Look at his history of criminal behavior. He is definitely capable of anything and that woman could have also been in danger! Think about it!! Luckily she is safe and her dog on the mend but he needs to be charged with the harshest punishment under the law as well as placing a ban on him from ever getting within inches of another animal that may cause it harm.