Please sign and share this petition in a continued effort to ban puppy mills. Can we please demand that the Connecticut State Representative pass a law that would ban the sale of dogs bred in puppy mills and sold in pet stores, online and other illegal pet sale facilities?
Puppy mills raise their sweet, precious puppies with one thing in mind; monetary gain. Most often the dogs are in tiny crates in multiple numbers, with the crates stacked on top of each other. The puppies end up defecating and urinating on dogs below them, water dishes (if they have them) are also contaminated with waste and filth, the facility itself is often parasite infested, cold and dark. None of the animals undergo any vet care.
Puppies that are from puppy mills often suffer with genetic diseases, parasites, intestinal and respiratory disorders, blood conditions, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease and so much more. The pups often perish from their diseases and get tossed like yesterday’s trash. Is this the type of place you want a prospective new puppy to be raised? These places have got to be stopped with laws in practice to ban their sales to pet shops and other pet sale facilities. We have got to help keep poor defenseless babies from being raised in such horrid conditions under breeders who couldn’t care if they live or die!!!!
Hartford, Connecticut State Representatives are pushing to pass the bill set forth by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in order to stop these sales in pet stores. Commercial breeders are regulated by the Federal Department of Agriculture, although the dogs can still be kept in inhumane conditions. Regulations need to be implemented and enforced. The public can always help by reporting any animal facilities or breeder that exhibits improper care of their animals, reporting them to the Federal Department of Agriculture and the ASPCA. We must all be a voice for those that cannot speak.
Please sign and share this petition in a continued effort to ban puppy mills. Can we please demand that the Connecticut State Representative pass a law that would ban the sale of dogs bred in puppy mills and sold in pet stores, online and other illegal pet sale facilities? STAND TOGETHER TO STOP PUPPY MILLS!!
Hartford, Connecticut State Representatives – We are all asking you to pass this bill into law that would strictly implement and enforce regulations that would ban the sale of dogs bred in puppy mills and sold to pet shops and other animal facilities. We must put these awful places out of business and banning pet shops from puppy mill sales would be a great start. Regulations against these awful practices are imperative and we encourage you to employ these new laws ASAP and enforce them to the fullest extent of the law.