Demand that congress enact a bill like the endangered species act that will protect endangered ecosystems{i.e.oldgrowth woodlands/wild meadows/wetlands/ect...},as a whole which will prohibit harvest of any sort including but not limited to flora, fauna, water, substrates, or fossil fuels, allowing only low impact recreation for public use. This will preserve the biodiversity of life and the rare, irreplacable natural ecosystems that took millions of years to develope and we depend on for survival and sanctuary. Capitalism is killing this planet and we as a species should focus on sustainability rather than the economy because this miraculous planet should not be wearing a price tag. We should learn to share and coexist with nature and each other before it is too late{elephant bird/tazmanian tiger/giant lemur/dodo/ect...which are now extinct because of humans} Please sign this petition to preserve the best of what is left of the rare endangered natural ecosystems to insure quality of experience and life for future generations because we and the world will be less without them.

Demand that congress enact a bill like the endangered species act that will protect endangered ecosystems{i.e.oldgrowth woodlands/wild meadows/wetlands/ect...},as a whole which will prohibit harvest of any sort including but not limited to flora, fauna, water, substrates, or fossil fuels, allowing only low impact recreation for public use. This will preserve the biodiversity of life and the rare, irreplacable natural ecosystems that took millions of years to develope and we depend on for survival and sanctuary. Capitalism is killing this planet and we as a species should focus on sustainability rather than the economy because this miraculous planet should not be wearing a price tag. We should learn to share and coexist with nature and each other before it is too late{elephant bird/tazmanian tiger/giant lemur/dodo/ect...which are now extinct because of humans} Please sign this petition to preserve the best of what is left of the rare endangered natural ecosystems to insure quality of experience and life for future generations because we and the world will be less without them.

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