Stop the Exploitation of the Name 'Mascara' by Maybelline!

    Explanation of the Problem**:

    The company **Maybelline** uses the name **"Mascara"**, which is identical to the name of the city **Mascara** in Algeria. Initially, they claimed that the use of the name was **"a mere coincidence"**, but later changed their response to say it was **"inspired by the Spanish word máscara"**.

    However, evidence proves that the name **"Mascara"** is linked to my city and not to the Spanish language. This evidence includes:

    1. **Conversations with the Company**:
    - First Response: "A mere coincidence."
    - Second Response: "Inspired by the Spanish word máscara."
    This contradiction in responses shows the lack of credibility in their claims.

    2. **An Article by Researcher Pauline Lalangue**: Confirms that the name is inspired by the city of **Mascara** in Algeria. You can view the article via the following link:

    3. **A Video by Researcher Rachid O**: Discusses the origin of the name and reinforces the same information mentioned in the article. You can watch the video via the following link:

    ### **Exploitation of the City's Name**:
    The company **Maybelline** is exploiting the name of the city **Mascara** for commercial purposes without considering the rights of the local community or the cultural heritage of the city. This exploitation has led to negative comments about the city, where some people now associate the name **Mascara** with a cosmetic product instead of its rich history and culture.

    ### **Negative Comments About the City**:
    I have noticed negative comments on social media linking the name **Mascara** to a cosmetic product, which harms the city's reputation and diminishes its cultural and historical value.


    ### **Proposed Solutions**:

    1. **Correct the Information**:
    - Maybelline should correct its claims and acknowledge that the name **"Mascara"** is linked to my Algerian city and not to the Spanish word.

    2. **Compensation**:
    - The company should provide financial or symbolic compensation to the city of **Mascara** as recognition of its cultural rights.

    3. **Protect Intellectual Property Rights**:
    - Relevant authorities should protect the name **Mascara** as a trademark or geographical name to prevent its commercial exploitation without permission.

    4. **Awareness Campaign**:
    - The company should launch an awareness campaign explaining the origin of the name and highlighting the history and culture of the city of **Mascara**.

    5. **Engage with the Local Community**:
    - The company should collaborate with the local community in **Mascara** to support cultural or social projects in the city.
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