Save Vietnamese Classes @ UT
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Why was VTN class cut?
The Asian Studies department had a budget cut of 30% and Vietnamese was the only language completely removed. They cut from other Asian languages, but since Vietnamese only had one professor, the entire language was cut. (We have one professor that teaches an accelerated and non-accelerated class) It was not because of the students or the professor, simply budget. The Department Chair of Asian Studies is open to talk to anyone interested. In the future, if the budget increases, we might have VTN again. He'd love to continue it, but the budget is the big factor. The Department Chair and the Dean of Liberal Arts will be meeting on Wednesday, so let's make sure they know how much we support Vietnamese language classes!
Our goal?
To ensure the continuation of Vietnamese language courses. If we can't get it next semester, we would like a guaranty from the university that it will restart at a given date.
When/How did the Vietnamese program start?
In 2004, a group of committed students with help from the faculty planned to start a Vietnamese program by 2006. For 2 years, the worked with the community and the university to create this program. Four years later, the program is being cut due to budget constraints. We should raise awareness and support the class because these students spent 2 years to start it. We can't give up without trying to save it!
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