Justice for Baby Isabella

  • da: Patricia Brown
  • destinatario: hold parents accountable for thier actions
Please lets find justice for Baby Isabella. She was disposed of in an inhumane way. Baby Isabella's mother, Nicole DeJaynes, just threw her away. She never had a chance to be someone or have someone love her. Hold parents accountable for the way they handle their children. Stop these actions so that other babies have an opportunity at life and love. Let us be the voices for the little ones that can not help themselves, that can not speak up loud, and that need to be heard.
We the undersigned believe that there should be Justice for Baby Isabella. We believe that all parents should be held accountable for their actions whether the baby is born still born or alive. We believe that parents should not dispose of any baby in an inhumane manner.
We sign this petition in hopes to save baby's lives and their futures.
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