Tell Wawa to Switch to Biodegradable Beverage Stirrers and Straws

Click the box that says "sign now" and watch the video! Plastic Stirrers & straws are a major contributing factor to damage to our oceans and the sea animals who live in them.  They've been found in sea turtles nostrils, sometimes driving up into their brains, and also found in their stomach. They cause death or, if found in time, an excruciating extraction that's usually done on a marine biologist's boat. They're then released back into the ocean, with the hope that they'll survive the wound. Large sea mammals are frequently washing ashore and dying, and autopsies are revealing death by plastic. Recently, a large whale was found dead and, when autopsied, scientists found its belly filled with plastic shopping bags, straws and various bits of plastic. The beautiful whale suffered a painful, early death because of human-made plastic. For years, I've voiced my opinion to Wawa managers that I'd like to see biodegradable stirrers. Think of the billions of stirrers Wawa distributes daily! Starbucks has wooden stirrers, which are biodegradable, and there are other biofriendly straw options. Please join me in demanding that Wawa create an environmentally friendly solution for stirring and sipping our beverages! Thank you!

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