Charge GOP politicians for the deaths of women denied abortion care!

When the Dobbs decision was passed down and abortion bans became enforced in red states across the nation, doctors warned that people were going to die. That grim warning has now become a tragic reality with the deaths of Amber Nicole Thurman and other women who were denied life-saving abortion care thanks to GOP bans.

Their blood is on the hands of the GOP politicians who passed these laws against the protestations of the medical community and their own constituents who warned that this would happen over and over and over again, and they must be held accountable.

Charge GOP politicians in the deaths of women denied abortions!

Republican lawmakers who voted for state bans on abortion say the laws have exceptions to protect the "life of the mother," medical experts cautioned that the language is not rooted in science and ignores the fast-moving realities of medicine — but they were ignored by radical extremists intent on imposing their misogynistic ideological agenda at the expense of public health.

Countless women have been turned away from hospitals, denied treatment, or forced to suffer until they were on the brink of death's door — and now we know that people are dying because of these laws. Republican politicians are responsible for these preventable tragedies and should be brought to justice.

Charge GOP politicians for the deaths of women denied abortion care!\

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