Demand to end animal holocausts, shut down all fur farm industries and farm factories across the glo

  • da: Huong Pham
  • destinatario: Obama, Steven Harper, xi Jingping, Li Keqiang, Nguyen Phu Trong, Truong Tan Sang

Animals and human welfares cannot be separated, because one impacts the other.  The main purpose of science progress is to serve the benefit and improve living conditions not only for human but also for the animal welfare.

No debate, for centuries, our societies could have never survived without the wealth of our animals. Societies could have not been functioning, if all animals had have died. Ironically, we see the superior human race has made massive animal productions for human consumptions that generate animal concentration camps, and slaughtered houses where these animals are suffering from injuries, dehydration, starvations, open wounds, and insanity from truck tranportations to cencentraion camps. Cows, pigs and Chickens are forced to stand in one tiny place mixed with their foods and muddy shit to suffer foot rotten. On top of that they are tossed on metal fences, beaten to death by angry workers, fully conscious while being hung upside down and slaughtered.  If you put yourselves in victim's views then  "I think you would be singing a different tune if it were your throat being slit, you being raped, your babies being stolen from you, you were locked up in a tiny cage unable to turn around day and night for your entire life" Excuse me, these animals do not wish to be born without life but only suffering from birth  to death.

As Gary Yourofsky stated " the root of all of the causes of hatred-ism, sexism, racism came from the Species-ism " when looking at other "different types, animals" as stereotypes, animals are considered inferior, no rights to have basic needs just to keep them having a simple healthy life such as decent shelters, nutrient food, free from pains and sufferings, clean fresh water, air and environments.

All of these horrible going on in human societies must be stopped, enough is enough. We will not survive for very long times to live in such a social degrading revolution. No matter how much we gain from science & technology, our social framework for a betterment of society based on moral values. This is the fundamental  structure that support the wealth and the development of all living species on earth in which we all share our planet together, no species should override the other by the extreme costs of others sufferings.

Please make the change right now to have all fur farm industries, and factory farms  shut down across the global so that no more animals must have been suffered terribly. We do not want to take another 400 years as Gary Yourofsky said to wait for the change could have been made a long time ago, or not even had something started as fur farm industries or factory farms, the night mare holocausts operated on earth for all innocent animals. Any living beings on earth has an equal right to live his life free from pains, suffering, having basic needs with peace and happiness that all living beings are seeking for, the same as human.

Please our leaders in this world from North America to Asia through Middle East, we urge your concisous effort, working together to change the current destructive social framework of our planet for both animals and human wealth beings. we believe as soon as this change could have happened, then, all the wars created by human societies would have been stopped sooner or later.

Thank you very much for making the possible change in our 21st century for the wealth being of our planet for both human fellows and all innocent and voiless animals.


Dear Political Leaders around the world:

We are all the world citizens, we have been psychologically suffered to see we are living on the edge of the unbalanced scale which shows a tragedy of progressive society in which, science & technologies progress versus social welfare destruction, due to the lack of foundation of morality, compassion, love and empathy for both human and animal societies.

Animals and human welfares cannot be separated, because one impacts the other.  The main purpose of science progress is to serve the benefit and improve living conditions not only for human but also for the animal welfare.

No debate, for centuries, our societies could have never survived without the wealth of our animals. Societies could have not been functioning, if all animals had have died. Ironically, we see the superior human race has made massive animal productions for human consumptions that generate animal concentration camps, and slaughtered houses where these animals are suffering from injuries, dehydration, starvations, open wounds, and insanity from truck tranportations to cencentraion camps. Cows, pigs and Chickens are forced to stand in one tiny place mixed with their foods and muddy shit to suffer foot rotten. On top of that they are tossed on metal fences, beaten to death by angry workers, fully conscious while being hung upside down and slaughtered.  If you put yourselves in victim's views then  "I think you would be singing a different tune if it were your throat being slit, you being raped, your babies being stolen from you, you were locked up in a tiny cage unable to turn around day and night for your entire life" Excuse me, these animals do not wish to be born without life but only suffering from birth  to death.

As Gary Yourofsky stated " the root of all of the causes of hatred-ism, sexism, racism came from the Species-ism " when looking at other "different types, animals" as stereotypes, animals are considered inferior, no rights to have basic needs just to keep them having a simple healthy life such as decent shelters, nutrient food, free from pains and sufferings, clean fresh water, air and environments.

All of these horrible going on in human societies must be stopped, enough is enough. We will not survive for very long times to live in such a social degrading revolution. No matter how much we gain from science & technology, our social framework for a betterment of society based on moral values. This is the fundamental  structure that support the wealth and the development of all living species on earth in which we all share our planet together, no species should override the other by the extreme costs of others sufferings.

Please make the change right now to have all fur farm industries, and factory farms  shut down across the global so that no more animals must have been suffered terribly. We do not want to take another 400 years as Gary Yourofsky said to wait for the change could have been made a long time ago, or not even had something started as fur farm industries or factory farms, the night mare holocausts operated on earth for all innocent animals. Any living beings on earth has an equal right to live his life free from pains, suffering, having basic needs with peace and happiness that all living beings are seeking for, the same as human.

Please our leaders in this world from North America to Asia through Middle East, we urge your concisous effort, working together to change the current destructive social framework of our planet for both animals and human wealth beings. we believe as soon as this change could have happened, then, all the wars created by human societies would have been stopped sooner or later.

Thank you very much for making the possible change in our 21st century for the wealth being of our planet for both human fellows and all innocent and voiless animals.


Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Thank you for all your supports, so far we get 346 signatures, please help to achieve 10000 signatures or even more than that.

We support animal rights, we speak for those whose are enduring extreme suffering but have no voice to protest. We support the weak the poor the innocence. Thank you so much from my heart for all your support.
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