California: Stop letting oil companies dump into drinking water sources!

  • da: Jen Johnson
  • destinatario: California Department of Conservation

Unbelievable: the state of California has been allowing oil companies to dump millions of gallons of tainted wastewater into protected, drinkable water sources.

A recent report released by the San Francisco Chronicle reveals that since 1983 California's Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources has been allowing oil companies to pump wastewater contaminated with oil, brine and chemicals into the earth - even in places where it can spread to protected aquifers.

The tainted water has already been pumped through 171 wells in aquifers suitable for drinking and irrigation.

California is suffering from one of the worst droughts in history. The state should be doing everything in its power to protect the precious little drinkable water that we have left; not give a free pass to drilling companies to contaminate it with chemical waste.

The Environmental Protection Agency is giving California until Friday to respond. Sign this petition to demand the state shut down the injection wells immediately and protect our drinking water.

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