Close Loro Parque : Release all your captive animals #FreeMorgan

  • da: Chrissy Henker
  • destinatario: Founder of Loro Parque, Wolfgang Kiessling ,Loro Parque (Tenerife;Spain)

Loro Parque ,Tenerife, Spain: Captivity for Orca Morgan and Chimps, Dolphins ,Orcas, Gorillas, Jaguars, Lions ,Sea Lions, Marmosets, Otters, Anteaters, Sloths, Meerkats, Tigers, Red Pandas, Flamingos, Parrots, Penguins, Cranes, Fishes, Alligators, Iguanas, Tortoises.

 Loro Parque describes himselves: The best Zoo in the World

Zoo is prison and no fun for animals

Orca Morgan: It is important for people to understand that the orca at Loro Parque are not Morgan's family.

Her family is from Norway and lives in Norwegian waters. Except for Morgan, the orca at Loro Parque are all captive born, either in Sea World parks in the USA or in Loro Parque.

In the USA it is illegal to keep incompatible orca housed together. Legally, as the Sea World orca at Loro Parque are still governed by USA law, housing Morgan with orca who keep attacking her is a violation of the USA Animal Welfare Act. They also state that Morgan is integrated into their orca 'family' group.

Kay speaks to former SeaWorld trainer Dr Jeffrey Ventre about why the whale might have done this. Dr Jeffrey Ventre on Blackfish Morgan's illegal captivity, avoidant behavior & how to get her home. You can speak out for these orcas too.

There has been outrage over the recent announcement of Orca Morgan's pregnancy. Loro Parque had previously announced they would also end the orca breeding programme about a year ago, as their orcas belonged to Seaworld. This has conveniently changed.
Morgan should be released into a sea pen, offering her and her unborn baby safety from the other orcas attacking her.

Please, never visit Loro Parque, and join the campaign to free Morgan.

Urge Loro Parque: Release Morgan to a Sea Pen  and all captive animals to Sanctuaries. Please sign and share the petition!

You can help: Please, never visit Loro Parque.

Boycott Loro Parque

Leave a commnet at tripadvisor or other Sites

Loro Parque at Twitter: Loro Parque at Facebook:



Aggiorna #27 anni fa
Hello ,
thank you so much for signing the petition. already 1976 people signed.Update: There has been outrage over the recent announcement of Orca Morgan's pregnancy. Loro Parque had previously announced they would also end the orca breeding programme about a year ago, as their orcas belonged to Seaworld. This has conveniently changed.
Morgan should be released into a sea pen, offering her and her unborn baby safety from the other orcas attacking her.
Please share the petition-Thanks,Chrissy
Aggiorna #17 anni fa
PETA investigators reported on the animal neglect and suffering prevalent in all corners of the park, providing well-documented photos of collapsed dorsal fins, broken and missing teeth, scars and injuries, mucus-filled eyes, blatant neglect from park workers.
Until all the tanks are emptied- by never buying a ticket to visit them.

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