Tell Walmart to Stop Selling Fish In Horrible Conditions

Walmart stores are keeping pet fish on their shelves "until they sell or die" (according to a sales associate).

The Bettas are stacked on a shelf — the dead among the living that are barely moving. The tiny containers are filthy and don't have filters. And fish could be stacked one on top of another so the fish at the bottom don't even get air.

If these were the conditions under which puppies or kittens were being sold, Walmart would be shut down and fined for animal cruelty. Why should it be any different just because these are fish?

Walmart needs to get out of this fishy business. Tell Walmart — Stop selling fish in horrible conditions! Ask Walmart to give the fish full tanks with filters and proper care.

Dear Mr. Mcmillon, I urge you to stop selling fish in horrific conditions in Walmart stores. The stores are not equipped to deal with the needs of these animals, and upgrades should be made to improve the living conditions of the animals. The Bettas are stacked on a shelf — the dead among the living that are barely moving. The tiny containers are filthy and don't have filters. And fish could be stacked one on top of another so the fish at the bottom don't even get air. If these were the conditions under which puppies or kittens were being sold, Walmart would be shut down and fined for animal cruelty. Why should it be any different just because these are fish? [Your comments here] As someone who cares about animals, I urge you to immediately improve the living conditions of pet fish in all Walmart stores by giving them full tanks with filters and proper care. Sincerely, [Your name here]
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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