Domestic Violence Survivors Are Being Forced To Abandon Their Pets. This Has To Change.

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Australian State and Territory Governments

A deeply troubling crisis is sweeping Australia. People fleeing domestic violence are being forced to leave their beloved pets behind due to restrictive policies in emergency housing. This rule is forcing survivors with pets to make the horrible decision no pet owner ever wants to make. To make matters worse, this rule may keep people from taking the final difficult step to flee domestic abuse because they can't bring themselves to abandon a beloved family member.

Sign the petition to urge Australian state and territory governments to modify emergency housing rules to accommodate pets!

When it comes to emergency housing banning animals, the decision is counterintuitive. Decades of research show a link between domestic violence and abuse, so it's very likely if a person is suffering from domestic abuse, their animal is suffering abuse as well. By allowing pets into emergency shelters, we can provide truly safe havens for all victims of domestic violence, ensuring no one is left behind.

For so many, pets are cherished family members, offering emotional support and companionship that is crucial during times of crisis. The current policies that bar pets from emergency housing can force individuals to make an impossible choice: stay in a harmful environment or leave their pets with abusive partners. 

Sign the petition to call on the governments across Australia to recognize the importance of keeping families together, including their pets, in emergency housing situations!

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