We demand that the EU impose sanctions against China to force better laws for human rights and animal welfare - more info under Petition.
What right has the EU to represent its population in trade agreements with countries where overall ethics, morality and humanity is missing?
As a trading partner, we fatten China's atrocities - and we want to stop this. The only language PRC and its people are familiar with is financial gain or loss.
Since the 1980s, the industry that exploit animals for profit, been multiplied in PRC - and cruelty towards animals has escalated.
Therefore, we must act through economic sanctions to force countries to establish and maintain ethical principles and rules. We want the EU to develop an ethical economic plan for all trade outside the EU borders.
This plan shall apply to all trade and all countries outside the EU. The countries that can not present ethics, morality, and not understand that animals are sentient beings - must be vitiated, with immediate economic sanctions.
We do not tolerate anymore that the EU only acts as an economic trade body without moral responsibility.
We demand that the EU imposes sanctions against China so that the Chinese government institute better laws to ensure human rights and that animal welfare laws are introduced at all levels.
The European Union has arms embargo on China. and we want to develop into a total embargo. We require the EU to take responsibility and do not trade with countries that do not fulfill human rights and basic protection for animals.
We demand that animal ethics are introduced in the Chinese public school to curb the cruel tradition transmitted through generations and that the Chinese traditions and superstitions where animals are tortured and suffering on purpose - in fur and meat consumption and trade. We also demand that China stop their exploitation in other countries that have endangered species, to be used in various superstitious cultural dishes.
As long as the Chinese government continues to allow this without laws to be followed - the EU must impose embargo on China as soon as possible to stop these grotesque acts.
We respect all people and groups in China who tirelessly fights for human and animal rights - we want to help in their work by introducing powerful political pressure.
INFO about trading:
The European Union and China are two of the biggest traders in the world. China is now the EU's 2nd trading partner behind the United States and the EU is China's biggest trading partner.
The EU is committed to open trading relations with China. However, the EU wants to ensure that China trades fairly, respects intellectual property rights and meets its WTO obligations.
At the 16th EU-China Summit held on 21 November 2013 both sides announced the launch of negotiations of a comprehensive EU-China Investment Agreement. The Agreement will provide for progressive liberalisation of investment and the elimination of restrictions for investors to each other's market. It will provide a simpler and more secure legal framework to investors of both sides by securing predictable long-term access to EU and Chinese markets respectively and providing for strong protection to investors and their investments. Source - European Commission
INFO about Embargo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embargo
Facebook: We demand EU embargo on China
ESDAW - China
ESDAW: www.esdaw.eu/embargo.html
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