Classify & Legalize Segway Personal Transporters (PTs) in Nova Scotia
- da: Max Rastelli
- destinatario: Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (TIR)
In support of a viable, established, eco-friendly, alternative mode of transportation for Nova Scotians with mobility issues, and able-bodied citizens alike.
It is currently TIR's position that the Nova Scotia Motor Vehicle Act (MVA) does not permit EPAMDs (Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Devices) such as the Segway®PT to be operated on highways or sidewalks.
We are seeking changes to the MVA in 2012, whereby EPAMDs (including the Segway®PT) are specifically classified, and permitted to go where pedestrians now go (e.g. sidewalks).
This is not unprecedented. In fact, the Segway®PT is legal in 48 American States, as well as many countries in Europe, and around the world.
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