Help stop defenless animals from the atrocities of live animal experiments

  • da: Ron Hubbert
  • destinatario: Huntingdon Life Science ( formally Huntingdon Research Centre )

As a qualified campaigner against the horrors of live animal torture and publisher of animal rights publication 'Flesh & Blood' I have seen the results of defenceless ,terrified,lonely non-human animals after sadistic,faceless 'scientists' have mutilated them - for profit or sometimes just to 'see how they respond' ! I have seen elephants electrocuted,kittens with paws cut off,chimpanzees and cats with electrodes cemented into their heads, non-human primates and beagle dogs ( 'scientists' prefer beagles because of there placid and trusting nature - force fed toxic substances with ever increasing doses until 50% of the group die in agony ( Ld 50 test ) the list goes on and on and on ! Huntingdon Life Science ( sceptically changed name after being exposed by an undercover investigation ) torture ( mainly ) non-human primates for 'clients' from all over the globe. After the expose HLS had many 'clients'cancel their contracts ! Please sign this petition and lets get this dreadful place closed down once and for all ! ! When finished this petition will be presented to governments,television and radio stations and national newspapers. Petition is in memory of beagle Molly and her 4 friends - experimented on by Glaxo,then sold to London Medical school,Whitechapel for even more experiments ! I have a photo of Molly found in a black bin liner,in a fridge with all her insides hanging out ! ! WHY OH WHY OH WHY ? ? Please show you really care....PLEASE SIGN ! !

I have seen the film footage of animals being tortured without even basic anesthetic - for cosmetics ( yes it still goes on ) and 'scientists' still sadistically experimenting on animals even after having their licence withdrawn. Advocates for Animals once carried out an undercover investigation on one such 'scientist' - I have the photographs 1 1

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