Please stop the proposed dams in the Himalayas

  • da: Dipanjan Mitra
  • destinatario: Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi

Last year the Indian Himalayas (the pilgrim sites of Kedarnarth and Badrinath, Garhwal Himalayas) witnessed the biggest natural calamity in history in the month of June in the form of flash floods. Thousands of lives, homes, vehicles, highways, roads and trees were wiped away by the gushing water coming down from over 4000 meters. A big dam was washed away due to the callousness of the guards on duty (claimed by villagers) in the Badrinath route. There is video evidence of an interview of the Sarpanch (head) of the village.

The Himalayas is a huge treasure of India. It attracts tourists from all over the globe. If we are going to turn this amazing beauty by controlling the rivers, building dams and turning them into calm rivers like in the plain lands, blast mountains to make channels, blowing off trees and clearing forests in the name of development it is only harming ourselves in the process. Please consider building of the dams destroying the unparallel beauty just for the vested interest of some corporate.

Mr. Bittu Sahgal, the editor of Sanctuary Asia magazine has already written an open letter addressed to you, the link to which is given below.

Thanks and regards.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Thanks to everybody at care2 for signing the petition and helping cross 100 signatures in a very short time. Lets keep going. Thanks, Dipanjan.
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