We, the undersigned, support PA Gaming Control Board in the approval of Mountainview/ Penn National CAT 4 Berks License in Caernarvon Township, Berks County Pennsylvania (aka Hollywood Casino Morgantown).
The location of the proposed Hollywood Casino Morgantown (PA Turnpike, 176 and Route 10) will be Strategic in the Growth of Our community. The Draw of customers will stimulate the Existing businesses, provide Opportunities for New businesses and Jobs for Our residents and a larger Tax base for Caernarvon Township. Penn National has a history of being a part of the community in which they reside, thus we are Eager to Work Together.
Public Input Meeting is March 4th, 2019 4 pm at the Caernarvon Township Building 3307 Main Street Morgantown, PA 19543.
The results of this Petition will be presented.
Please email me if you are attending. mich12@ptd.net
* Update: We are on the Agenda for the next PGCB meeting!
June 12th 10am in Harrisburg
Please try to attend and/or sign up to speak
Aggiorna #56 anni fa
Video and Information will be found on the PA Gaming Website
Optically, it looked packed. The opposition was Loud. The opposition failed to understand the economics of our area. They were concerned about change & what could come with it.
Unfortunately, If we don't change, we will have empty box stores & more depressed economy.
For the record:
For: 12 speakers and 53 letters & 156 on the petition & 14 in favor opposition petition
Against: 26 speakers and 18 letters & over 1000 on the petition
Aggiorna #46 anni fa
Please share this petition with other Hollywood Morgantown supporters. https://www.thepetitionsite.com/237/245/938/support-for-hollywood-casino-morgantown/?z00m=31370784&redirectID=2835369374
Aggiorna #36 anni fa
Remember to share this petition & if you are attending, let me know!
More articles:
Public hearing set on proposed mini-casino in Morgantown
READING EAGLE "Officials said the township has not raised taxes for 20 years and could use the revenue to improve the township's demographics, thus attracting desirable businesses."
Aggiorna #26 anni fa
Sources for research:
FAQ: https://gamingcontrolboard.pa.gov/files/legislation/cat4_FAQ.pdf
Redacted Application:https://gamingcontrolboard.pa.gov/files/CAT_4_Applicants/Penn_natl_berks_CAT4_Redacted.pdf
Public Input Meeting info: https://gamingcontrolboard.pa.gov/?p=312
York Public Input Meeting Video: https://gamingcontrolboard.pa.gov/?p=141
Aggiorna #16 anni fa
Do you know that Caernarvon Berks was not the only local jurisdiction that did not Opt-out? There is every likelihood that if the Casino doesn't get approved for Caernarvon that it could be put in New Morgan, Cumru or Robeson Townships. https://gamingcontrolboard.pa.gov/files/legislation/cat4_opt-out_county.pdf