Citizens for Sensible Traffic Relief (CSTR)

To support the concept of creating sensible alternatives to traffic in Palmetto Bay and areas south. These concepts include:

  • Bridges at 87th and 77th Ave over the C-100 canal
  • Selective and attractive widening of Old Cutler Road.
  • Supporting better mass transit to our communities.
  • Supporting traffic enforcement efforts.
  • Encouraging the Miami Dade School Board to address school-generated traffic more effectively.
  • Thinking outside the box to find solutions.
Aggiorna #23 anni fa
Everyone should be aware of the TPO meeting on March 18th. Please forward this petition link to friends and family so that we can get as many signatures as possible. Thanks for your help.
Aggiorna #14 anni fa
There is an important vote coming up before the TPO (Transportation Planning Organization). The exact date has not yet been determined. Please watch the Facebook Group for details.
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