Ending Mass production of Cattle in America

  • da: Brandon Min
  • destinatario: Forrest Roberts CEO of NCBA

Mass production of cattle is literally killing our environment, because of the many hidden costs. Not to mention the emissions that were expelled from the cattle. About 68.5% of Americas adults are obese and one-third of the general population is obese, and this is due to spike in sugar and meat consumption throughout 1980's-2010

SO lets try and stop eating meat every day regularly and only try to eat it 7 days out of the 4 weeks. (JUST TRY VEGGIES AND FRUITS FOR ONCE AND DRINK YOUR WATER ... THE SIMPLEST THINGS MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE) 

This will reduce pollution, energy consumption, excessive water and grain use to feed the cattles and will provide us humans more. 

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