Put a stop to Domestic Animal Cruelty -- For Kilo

KILO was killed by hanging. The person responsible received little jail time, community service and an order of protection that states he cannot come in direct contact with any domesticated animal.

There must be a harsher sentencing for all offenders of domestic animal cruelty. It should not matter if it a first time offense, nor depend on the severity of the crime. No animal should be abused, used, neglected or mistreated.

A person who hangs an innocent puppy should NEVER get by with just an Order of Protection - per say. Who is going to make sure this offender stays away from all domestic animals? No domestic animal should be in fear for it's life or well-being.

We need to stand up for the rights of Kilo and ALL dometic animals. If we are not their voice then who will protect them?

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