Pledge To Boycott All Nestle's Bottled Water Products

  • da: Michael Kirkby
  • destinatario: Katherine Wynn, Ontario Premier; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister; all directors of Nestle Bottled Water Subisdiaries

Nestle's is a Swiss owned multinational company involved in nutritional, snack food and health related consumer goals realted companies.

My main concern in creating this petition is the bottled water trade which our Ontario Premier has no problem with. She thinks it's a good idea to sell the Great Lakes water.

Out of all the water in the world only 2.9% is fresh water. The Great Lakes is the second largest source providing 20% of that.  Fresh water is not a renewable resource and most aquifers occur at 100 meters from the surface.

Back in the nineties Nestle's was fined heavily for selling hundreds of thousands of gallons of water to the Peoples Republic of China. Nestle's paid the fine but the water was never returned. The environmental damage which amounted to cross contamination and algae rich scum ponds was never cleaned up. What was left amounted to an open sewer. These industries may pay the fine but it is the taxpayers who are responsible for the cleanup.

China has polluted its water resources beyond repair at this point. In fact with so many people moving from rural areas to the cities; only bottled water is consumed because of the toxicity of tap water. The sales of bottled water in China in 2012 totalled 9 billion dollars. it is projected to reach over 12 billion dollars by 2014.

According to the Examiner article of April 2012 Kathleen Story informs us that a continuous battle for the preservation of our Great Lakes fresh water is ongoing with Nestle's being the main protaganist. You can read the entire article here:

Our Ontario Premier thinks it's a good idea for Ontario to suck the Great Lakes aquifers dry and all for the sake of progress and profit. SomeOf+Us has a petition and a good article documenting this. I have reproduced the connection here. Please sign it if you haven't already:

Here's a list of some of Nestle's bottled water companies. Poland Water is probably the most well known. 

AquarelArrowhead WaterContrexDeer Park Spring WaterIce MountainNestlé Pure LifeOzarkaPerrierPoland SpringSan PellegrinoVittelers)Help us to preserve our fresh water resources. It is bad enough that it is imperilled by Natural Gas Fracking that uses hundreds of billions of gallons of water; of which only 10% is reclaimable. There is also the environmental damage that is too great to ignore as well as the predatory behavior of Nestle's. See following article:

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