Stop Police Brutality in the Dominican Republic!

According to a new report by Amnesty International, police officers are responsible for 15 percent of all homicides committed in the Dominican Republic. 

Dominican police officers killed 2,367 people since from 2005-2010. 

The report also states that torture, arbitrary arrest, extortion, and other human rights abuses are commonly practiced by Dominican police officers.

The report claims that Dominican police officers have been involved in "extrajudicial executions" in order to "eliminate witnesses to unlawful killings." 

Recent efforts by the government to reform the police have not addressed human rights violations.

Tell President Leonel Fernández to implement immediate measures to reduce police killings and to prosecute all acts of torture, corruption, and abuse. 

Stop police brutality in the Dominican Republic! 
We the undersigned urge you to prosecute all human rights violations by the police in the Dominican Republic. 

A recent report by Amnesty International points out that police officers are responsible for 15 percent of all homicides committed in the Dominican Republic.  The report also states that torture, arbitrary arrest, and extortion and other human rights abuses are commonly practiced by Dominican police officers.

This is not good enough.  We urge you to implement immediate measures to reduce police killings, end torture, and prosecute all abusive practices.  We also urge you to consider the recommendations provided by Amnesty International, including the appointment of an independent and adequately funded ombudsman to investigate the practices of Dominican police. 

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