She was caught on camera destroying geese nests on behalf of her HOA. And it was completely legal...
Add your name if you want to put an end to this needless cruelty!
"Video of a woman in Florence destroying geese nests at her condo complex and mutilating eggs is causing quite a flap. But, it appears it is within the law because she was acting on behalf of the condo's homeowners association.
"The evidence of the next destruction is obvious. You can see that the eggs have been punctured and the others picked apart after the geese themselves will destroy the eggs further after they've already been poked," reported Local 12 News.
"I was appalled and disgusted. I didn't think anybody could be that inhumane," said Austin Farwick, a resident of the complex.
"You can't justify crushing eggs. There's no justification for that. It's inhumane. And on Easter Sunday to do something like that," said another of the woman's neighbors.
Will you do your part to demand the maximum punishment for this needless cruelty?
We're asking the Florence City Council to have a heart and do the right thing.
Can you feel the pain of those mother geese?
Then add your name to demand that this absurd cruelty does not go unpunished!