Support Marine Protected Areas in Northern California


Dear Members of California's Fish and Game Commission:

We, the undersigned, support the Marine Life Protection Act and urge you to support the network of marine protected areas for Northern California's coast.

As residents and visitors to the Central Coasts' existing network of marine protected areas, we would like to encourage you to extend the benefits of marine protection to Northern California. Point Lobos and Año Nuevo, our most popular protected areas, draw tens of thousands of visitors to our communities each year.

Please help create a legacy of ocean conservation for Northern California that promises to sustain a healthy ocean and a successful fishing industry for decades to come.

Thank you for your work to support the protection of healthy oceans for our kids and grandkids.


Dear Members of California%u2019s Fish and Game Commission:

We, the undersigned, support the Marine Life Protection Act and urge you to support the network of marine protected areas for Northern California%u2019s coast.

As residents and visitors to the Central Coasts%u2019 existing network of marine protected areas, we would like to encourage you to extend the benefits of marine protection to Northern California. Point Lobos and A%uFFFDo Nuevo, our most popular protected areas, draw tens of thousands of visitors to our communities each year.

Please help create a legacy of ocean conservation for Northern California that promises to sustain a healthy ocean and a successful fishing industry for decades to come.

Thank you for your work to support the protection of healthy oceans for our kids and grandkids.

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