Stop the Wisconsin Wolf Hunt

While most in the conservation community agree that some form of wolf management is appropriate, we should tread lightly considering the gray wolf was literally just removed from the endangered species list. Being removed from the list means that the landowners can legally shoot any wolf that comes on their land, which is sensible. However, if we have an overly broad (and cruel) hunting and trapping season for wolves, Wisconsin's wolf population will be wiped-out and be right back on the list. And that wouldn't be good for the wolves, Wisonsin's environment, farmers or anyone else

We implore you to provide an emergency stop on a wolf hunting season in Wiscosin, and then rule against the original Congressional Measure which removed their protected status.

The Congressional Measure which removed the protection of the Endangered Species Act from wolves in Wisconsin was misguided and set a bad precedent for the management of threatened species. Environmental groups stand firm in the belief that hunting the wolves is damaging their population, and because this measure was passed as a rider on the Congressional Budget bill (Sec. 1713), it was not subject to the debate that it deserved. Previous to this measure, no endangered species has ever been stripped of its protections by Congress. If the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the Congressional measure, it will allow future legislation removing protections for political, non scientific reasons.

Please put a stop to the hunting of wolves in Wisconsin until the formal appeal can be considered, and then prevent this bad precedent by ruling against the Congressional Measure

Thank you for taking the time to read our concerns

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