In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts legislators are acting casino gaming bill which gives special preferences to the Genting Group of Malaysia to open a casino in partnership with the Mashpee band of Wampanoag Indians. By federal law, this casino will not be regulated by the state, it will pay no taxes or fees to the U.S., Massachusetts or any local community government in which it is located. Its financial dealings and records will be sovereign to the Wampanoag tribe and Genting and kept secret from all U.S. governmental regulators and oversight.
The progressive Florida Clarion reports that a U.S. Senate Committee found a disturbing pattern by Genting and its chairman of multi-million dollar payments to Islamic extremist organizations, business affiliations with reputed Chinese Triad organized crime and affiliations with at least two individuals wanted by the United States for terrorist activities.
Executives for Genting’s told the U.S. Senate Committee that these were “necessary” payments and relationships for Chinese investors doing business in heavily Islamic Malaysia. Surprisingly, U.S. based businesses operating in Malaysia do not feel the need to fund terrorists or engage in business relationships with Chinese Triad organized crime.
It may be necessary for Genting in Malaysia, but does Massachusetts have to facilitate these activities?
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts legislators are acting casino gaming bill which gives special preferences to the Genting Group of Malaysia to open a casino in partnership with the Mashpee band of Wampanoag Indians. By federal law, this casino will not be regulated by the state, it will pay no taxes or fees to the U.S., Massachusetts or any local community government in which it is located. Its financial dealings and records will be sovereign to the Wampanoag tribe and Genting and kept secret from all U.S. governmental regulators and oversight.
The progressive Florida Clarion reports that a U.S. Senate Committee found a disturbing pattern by Genting and its chairman of multi-million dollar payments to Islamic extremist organizations, business affiliations with reputed Chinese Triad organized crime and affiliations with at least two individuals wanted by the United States for terrorist activities.
Executives for Genting’s told the U.S. Senate Committee that these were “necessary” payments and relationships for Chinese investors doing business in heavily Islamic Malaysia. Surprisingly, U.S. based businesses operating in Malaysia do not feel the need to fund terrorists or engage in business relationships with Chinese Triad organized crime,
It may be necessary for Genting in Malaysia, but does Massachusetts have to facilitate these activities?
We demand that Massachusetts’ legislature remove language giving special preferences which will allow any foreign interest in taking un-taxed commercial gains out of the country.
We demand that Governor Deval Patrick veto any casino enabling legislation which includes such provisions.
And, we ask the Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley investigate the funneling of foreign money to campaign contributions through lobbyists given to state elected officials like Senate President Therese Murray to include this language and vote in favor of this special treatment for Genting.
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