Help Ban Shark Fin Soup

  • da: Adam Power
  • destinatario: The Hon Peter Garrett AM, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts

Shark finning is the act of removing the fins of a shark, and discarding the carcass back into the ocean. As the speed of which this is carried out is so great, the shark is the majority of the time still alive when it is returned to the ocean. Without fins, the shark dies slowly. Shark finning is a cruel means for people worldwide to make a living. This barbaric act will continue to occur while there is no regulation on fishing in international waters.

While our concerns and efforts should also push for international regulations be put in place, our immediate impact on this cruel action is to call for a banning of the sale of Shark Fin Soup, and to also refuse to dine in any restaurant that promotes and sells shark fin products.

Public support helped cease the practice of whaling when on 23 July 1982, members of the International Whaling Committee voted by the necessary three-quarters majority to implement a pause on commercial whaling. We are arrogant to be part of a generation that does not act on the shark finning practice; future generations will have a poor view on the generation that allowed the immense decline of such an important and beautiful species that is vital in its place on our planet. We need to support the shark; we should not, and must not support any person who profits from this practice.

We the undersigned are writing to express our grave concerns of the world-wide issue of shark finning.
We call on the politicians of Australia to lead by example and introduce laws to ban the sale of Shark Fin Soup in Australia. The popularity of this dish has dramatically increased over the past decade, thus creating greater demand for shark fins. By reducing the demand of shark fin soup by banning it, we can help reduce the impact of the decline of shark numbers around the world.

While our concerns and efforts should also push for international regulations to be put in place, our immediate impact on this cruel action is to call for a banning of the sale of Shark Fin Soup, and to also refuse to dine in any restaurant that promotes and sells shark fin products.

Fact - shark finning is barbaric and wastes 95%-99% of the animal.

Fact - most shark species are slow to populate, some taking 25 years to reach sexual maturity.

Fact - sharks are killed at the rate of 100 million sharks annually.

These facts contribute to the clearly obvious decline in shark numbers worldwide which is occurring at a phenomenal rate. This is unsustainable and if left to continue, we will likely see the extinction of many species of shark. Removing the sale of shark fin soup from Australia, will help reduce the worldwide demand on shark finning. Let us lead by example.

Public support for ceasing the practice of whaling was introduced on 23 July 1982, when members of the International Whaling Committee voted by the necessary three-quarters majority to implement a pause on commercial whaling. We are arrogant to be part of a generation that does not act on the shark finning practice; future generations will have a poor view on the generation that allowed the immense decline of such an important and beautiful species that is vital in its place on our planet. We need to support the shark; we should not, and must not support any person who profits from this practice.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this issue.

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