Freddy Shepherd - Come Back

Freddy Shepherd we want you to return to Newcastle United!

Certainly, there were times where we pondered what you were doing. We hastily dismissed some of your decisions as 'bordering on lunacy'. However, it is clear now that what you showed was ambition. Under your chairmanship, we challenged for the title, we attracted world class players, world class managers, we battled in Europe. That includes playing the likes of Juventus, Inter Milan and even Barcelona. It is unlikely that such a feat will be replicated in the near-future. However, we want you back, your ambition is a model example to all of us.  To quote Joseph Le Conte 'the essential thing is not knowledge, but character.'

There were many supporters who might have not appreciated what you did/continue to not do so. On the contrary, there are others who do. This petition is to show this. Your unique style of running the club is a shining beacon to all of us. It is 'better to live one year as a tiger, than a hundred as sheep.' 'To live by the sword, to die by the sword'.

Freddy Shepherd, do return to your beloved home town club, you will be welcomed back in open arms.
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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