Taiwan SPCA Petition to Ban the Sale and Use of Gin Traps

It is illegal to use animal gin traps in Taiwan, however selling them is not. The law needs to clearly ban the selling and use of all forms of gin traps/metal traps to capture animals for any reason. These sharp, dangerous traps immobilize animals by clamping down on their limb(s). The animals suffer an agonizing ordeal as they try to free themselves. The lucky ones may be rescued but may lose their limb(s). The less fortunate ones could die a slow and painful death as they may not be able to move to shear themselves from the harsh environment or move to eat/drink water. Some drag the traps around with them; no-one there to help them take it off. Many are exposed to infections. Some will bleed to death.
We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to:

1)      Ban all sales and use of gin traps and other dangerous animal traps in Taiwan.
2)      Inflict strict punishments and hefty fines for anyone who breaks the law.
3)      Enforce the law by closing down all businesses that sell these traps and perform regular patrols in areas that are prone to the use of animal traps.
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