Signatures for Spinal Cord Research

  • da:
  • destinatario: Government leaders and health legislators worldwide


2.5 million people worldwide are victims of a spinal cord injury, with well over 130,000 new cases added every year.
Loss of the use of limbs, control of bowel/bladder, lack of sexual function, the inability to breathe plus untreatable neuropathic pain, spasticity and the threat of infection, make life a battle for survival.  Not just a physical and psychological battle, but a financial battle too with a lifetime estimate between $438,000 - $1,350,000 per individual depending on level of injury.

Enough Waiting
Science is ready to move this mountain of paralysis.  It has proven that a damaged cord can be regenerated.   But without sufficient funding it cannot deliver a cure. 


We need you to urge your President, your Government leaders and their respective health legislators to fund spinal cord research and make paralysis a curable condition.

Please sign our petition!

There is something that everyone can do today to stop the devastation caused by spinal cord injury.  Prominent researchers have proven that a damaged spinal cord can now be regenerated.  A cure is imminent.  Investment in continuing this research and taking it to clinical trials will result in reversing paralysis in those millions already injured, and save those in the future from ever having to suffer such a fate.
This vital work of getting the research from lab to clinic will also benefit those suffering from many other neurodegenerative conditions as well as diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis .... the list is long.
Each of us lives an illness or accident away from disability.  You, the government, have it in your power to change that.

We, the undersigned, urge you to ensure that funding is in place to take valuable cure research from success in the lab to cure in the clinic.  Millions will  be thankful that you did.

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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