Stop torturing and cooking dogs and cats alive

  • da: Sarah Mcinnes
  • destinatario: Asia governement and chinese government

highly graphic............. but please watch this video
this is evil and has to be stopped.
breaks my heart 

Stop taking millions of cats and dogs each year and using them for food.

The torture of these animals is unnessisary and brbaric.

These animals are skinned alive and thrown into boiling water to be cooked alive,these animals are terrified and going through immense pain during this which adds to the so called taste when eating these poor animals

We the people demand that you stop this barbaric act now against these millions of poor defenseless animals!

In the Asian cat and dog meat trade, millions of dogs and cats are cruelly and savagely killed by people who believe the more terrified the animal is before death, the better the meat tastes. 

China, and other Asian countries, inflict such an enormous degree of cruelty on these innocent and gentle animals, it is impossible for us to comprehend the full extent of the suffering.

The cats and dogs destined to be made in to cat and dog meat are forced in to sacks, or in tiny cages, in which they can barely move. 

When transported, the cats and dogs go for days without water, slowly dying of dehydration. The cages are stacked on a the back of a vehicle and when they reach the destination where they will be brutally killed, they are roughly thrown to the ground from the back of the vehicle.

This injures the cats and dogs and breaks their bones. They receive no treatment and are left in an enormous amount of pain.

Belief: The More The Animal Suffers, The Better The Meat Tastes

Their pain only gets worse when each dog or cat is dragged from it's cage and beaten. This may be to tenderise the meat, or to beat the animal in to submission. 

There is a sickening and baseless belief held that the more terrified and tortured an animal is before death, the better the meat will taste due to the adrenaline released in to the body.


Aggiorna #110 anni fa

highly graphic............. but please watch this video
this is evil and has to be stopped.
breaks my heart
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