Stop the death sentence of the horses Saar and Noortje, Border Collie Casey

Municipality of Het Bildt in the Netherlands threatens to condemn to death the 18-year-old Saar and the 14-year-old Noortje, because, after 30 years, keeping horses on the outskirts of the village is suddenly banned. Old Border Collie Casey, with cataracts and deaf, at once is declared unwanted. Suddenly, the sixth dog is one too many.

We, global citizens, who are concerned with all defenseless animals, note that the municipality of Het Bildt abused her power, to shut up an observant citizen. Whistleblower Kees from municipality of Het Bildt regularly points people on poignant issues in this municipality. Individuals who can't defend themselves against bureaucracy and injustice can always count on the support of this driven man. Is it resentment or pure display of power? The municipality now threatens his wife and her beloved animals, in order to shut him up.

The horses, the 18-year-old Saar and the 14-year-old Noortje, both born on the grounds, their deceased mother Hinde arrived as a foal more than 30 years ago, will have to go immediately because keeping horses on the outskirts of the village suddenly is banned. The old Border Collie Casey, 15-years of age, living her twilight years or months, deaf and blind will immediately have to go, because the number of dogs is suddenly capped at five, just by chance one less than is currently available. 
Shocking is, that Kees and his wife Gerda are living, literally, under the smoke of a big factory that fattens chickens in six weeks. That company got all space and permits !

We requests the Dutch government, the Party for the Animals and all members in the House with a strong heart for animals to stop the death sentence of these horses by age and a dog in her golden years. Stop the cruel intentions of the municipality of Het Bildt.

Please sign & share this petition among animal lovers all over the world.
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