Harsher Penalties for Animal Cruelty

  • da: lisa connor
  • destinatario: Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Any one who loves animals should be appalled at the recent increase in animal cruelty, not just in this country but worldwide.

The law is failing to adequately protect animals/pets and ensure that the punishment administered to those responsible for acts of cruelty towards them fits the crime.

This URGENTLY must change.

Review some of the most recent cases where little or NO JAIL TIME has been imposed click any of the news articles below:

Man jailed for a day after emaciated horses found in their own faeces

Man hanged girlfriend's dog in attic to avoid paying £100 to put it down

Rabbit killers escape jail after torture and death of stolen pet

East Lancs owner banned from having pets for 10 years as neglected Alsation put down

Mum who let dog starve to death in 'worst animal cruelty in 30 years' avoids prison

Mum banned from keeping animals after five dogs 'left to starve'

Watch: Heartbreaking footage shows brain-damaged puppy put down after brutal attack

Farnworth man who starved dog until it was 'a skeleton' avoids jail sentence despite protest

Dog owner jailed after killing pet Staffordshire terrier by throwing it against wall

Wirral dad and son jailed for "barbaric" animal cruelty offences after caged fox torn apart by dogs

Animal cruelty case: Police unhappy at suspended sentences

Manchester Dogs' Home fire: No charges for boys arrested

Dog breeder and husband guilty of animal cruelty after RSPCA inspectors found 14 Red Setters in the 'worst conditions ever seen'

Cruel couple kept dozens of dying and diseased animals in conditions so appalling inspectors had to call off visit because of stench of ammonia

Cruelty results in ban from keeping animals for former Horncastle mayor 

To: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

RE: Harsher Penalties for Animal Cruelty

Any one who loves animals should be appalled at the recent increase in animal cruelty, not just in this country but worldwide. 

The law is failing to adequately protect animals/pets and ensure that the punishment administered to those responsible for acts of cruelty towards them fits the crime.

We are starting to lag behind the world when it comes to punishment for Animal Abuse and yet we pride ourselves on being an Animal Loving Country. 

Please don't ignore our pleas.  The right to sentence an animal abuser needs to be increased and appropriate sentences MUST BE HANDED DOWN!

We look forward to you taking action.

Kind regards,

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