Demand Trump give his convention speech without a teleprompter to prove he is mentally capable

  • da: Left Action
  • destinatario: Donald Trump and Republicans

Donald Trump was already a horrible person, but he has deteriorated mentally in a profound way over the last few years, as many have pointed out. It's plain to see, and America can't risk having a president who is both evil to the core, and without a fully functioning brain.

And while President Biden has been giving interviews and press conferences, Donald Trump has been hiding on the golf course, and avoiding interviews. And when he does speak, he is all over the place, he depends on a teleprompter, and still sounds crazy (see "sharks and batteries").

Donald Trump says his memory is still "perfect", so here's his chance to prove it — tell him to give his convention speech without a teleprompter.  To prove that he is still up to the job mentally (even though he's wrong in so many other ways). And if he can't do that, he needs to get out of the race.

Add your name, and demand Trump give his convention speech without a teleprompter

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