Demand justice NOW from an evil cop who savagely clubbed a harmless chained up golden retriever to death!

  • da: jack k
  • destinatario: Tianxin District Police Bureau and Ministry of Public Security (China)

On December 31, 2017, in Changsha, China, a lost golden retriever was chained to a post waiting for the owner to show up . Someone had contacted the city police regarding to the lost dog. According to some accounts, when the police showed up and approached the dog, it did not show any aggressions toward the police officers. For whatever reason however, one of the cops began to beat the dog mercilessly with a large wooden club! The poor, innocent and helpless dog was brutally tortured for THREE HOURS! Defenseless and can not escape, the dog died with a final blow to it's head and  died of broken skull.

There was a video for the beating. It is too horrifying and sickening to even show it here.

We demand the immediate dismissal of the police from all his duties! We also demand the city of Changsha to immediately establish comprehensive animal protection laws.

Please sign this petition, and together let's urge the Chinese goverment to establish animal rights laws to prevent this type of tragedy from ever happening again in China

Aggiorna #17 anni fa
To date, China does not have any established animal welfare laws. Animal abuse cases go unmentioned and ignored

The murdered of the Golden Retriever in Changsha has however stirred an unprecedented outcry not seen previously in China

A major Chinese network TV, CCTV picked up the story. It led to a poll that in twenty four hours reached 41,000 people. 11,000 people signed. 10,000 condemned the police brutality

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