Release the abused animals at PLRS lab in North Carolina

PETA has exposed the abuse,cruelty and neglect endured by the dogs,cats,rabbits and other animals at Professional Laboratory and Research Services located at 1251 NC 32, Corapeake, NC 27926.
The undercover video at
, shows dogs and cats being screamed at with profanities, soaked with water from hoses, having teeth pulled with inadequate sedation. One worker deliberately pushed a cat's face into a chain link fence and when the cat tried to hold onto the fence with his claws, she jerked him off the fence repeatedly in order to pull out his claws! The dogs show extreme anxiety as well as the cats. They all are traumatized and terrified when a human enters tthe kennels. Dogs show the classic symptom of running in circles in their cage, this is brought on by lengthy confinement and anxiety, it is a form of insanity. This place must be shut down and the animals released from their prison of horror. Please urge Helen Sonenshine, President of PLRS to fire the employees, shut the lab down, and RELEASE all animals to an animal welfare group!
Mrs. Sonenshine,
We the undersigned urge you to take action on behalf of the animals at PLRS.
It has been reported that there is serious abuse,cruelty and neglect at the PLRS facility in Corapeake, NC. It has also been reported that you stated that you will look into the circumstances reported by PETA's undercover video.
We urge you to not only look into the matter, but to fire the individuals responsible, shut down the facility and RELEASE THE ANIMALS to a proper animal welfare group that will help to rehabilitate them and find loving homes for them!
Mrs. Sonenshine, this is the least you can do for animals that have been imprisoned for years in order to make money for PLRS.
Please implement a plan to rescue and release the animals immediately. Thank you in advance for taking action on this matter.
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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