Tell chef Stefán Úlfarsson to stop cooking whales!

  • da: leslie dean brown
  • destinatario: Stefán Úlfarsson, 3 Frakkar Hja Ulfari Restaurant, Reykjavik, Iceland.

"Why should people sign?"

Because there are two ways to stop the whale hunting (which is actually more like torture). The first way is to stop the supply. The second way is to stop the demand. So if there is no whale meat or any other whale associated products on offer anywhere, there are going to be far fewer hunted whales. ;-)

I have done a fair bit of research. This is one man that is responsible for serving up whale meat in Iceland.

They openly admit to serving whale meat & puffins! Feel free to leave a negative comment on their youtube video.

If you'd really like to help whales out here are FOUR THINGS YOU CAN DO:

(when it comes to protecting whales, sorry, I don't play nice)

Here is the restaurant's website address: Whale is clearly listed there all throughout their menu.

Look, they even have a whale's tale on their splash page!

If you're still reading, you calso try to leave a one-star review here on their tripadvisor page. It's interesting to note that they have a 4.5/5.0 review on tripadvisor. Update: unfortunately tripadvisor usually deletes negative reviews of this restaurant. Better to focus on leaving negative facebook & google reviews!

Update #55 years ago
3Frakkar isn't going to acknowledge. Time for another go round! PLEASE take some time to leave a one star review on trip advisor: They've recently gone from #33 to about #75. Also leave a 1 star review on their facebook pages: —
Update #45 years ago
Hello. Okay, so far *nothing* has happened, because he is not feeling much pressure. Please pretend you are a whale for a few minutes and leave a one-star review HERE: AND HERE: THANKS VERY MUCH AND DON'T FORGET TO SHARE!! —Leslie Dean Brown
Update #35 years ago
I emailed this petition to 3 Frakkar a few days ago. I have not received any response so far. Not even an acknowledgement that they received it. I found their other facebook page: ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!!
We really need to speak up for whales and put more pressure on 3 Frakkar. +354 552 3939.
Update #25 years ago
It's really great to see that this petition has gathered much more momentum this week! I will wait until it reaches 20-25k signatures before I send it to Stefán. That way it will have much more impact. His facebook rating has gone from 5 to 2.8. More one-star reviews are needed!!! In the mean time, please keep sharing this on facebook, twitter, etc.
Update #15 years ago
1224 signatures so far! It would be nice to have more than 1500 signatures before I send this to the man. Would you please re-share this via facebook, twitter, google+ a few times more? I'm sure all the Minke & Fin whales oute there would be very grateful for your support! Thanks –Leslie

Stefán Úlfarsson,

I'll keep this relatively short. I believe that whales, like all creatures, should die from natural causes. They shouldn't be hunted to death and slaughtered so that you can feel great about cooking peppered whale steak and serving it to a few unsuspecting tourists.

Over twenty thousand people have now signed this petition. Surely a great cook can find other foods to prepare besides whale meat and puffins?!

Why not join the rapidly growing number of restaurants in Iceland that don't sell whale meat already? There are so many other ethically-sourced seafoods available. I'm sure you'll find something!


Dr. Leslie Dean Brown
"I speak for whales"

Aggiorna #53 anni fa
Hello everyone! I have ANOTHER petition I would like you to sign and it's close to me because I live in Moruya and I travel down this road almost every day. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Aggiorna #48 anni fa
Hello. Okay, so far *nothing* has happened, because he is not feeling much pressure. Please pretend you are a whale for a few minutes and leave a one-star review HERE: AND HERE: THANKS VERY MUCH AND DON'T FORGET TO SHARE!! —Leslie Dean Brown
Aggiorna #38 anni fa
I emailed this petition to 3 Frakkar a few days ago. I have not received any response so far. Not even an acknowledgement that they received it. I found their other facebook page: ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!!
We really need to speak up for whales and put more pressure on 3 Frakkar. +354 552 3939.
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
It's really great to see that this petition has gathered much more momentum this week! I will wait until it reaches 20-25k signatures before I send it to Stefán. That way it will have much more impact. His facebook rating has gone from 5 to 2.8. More one-star reviews are needed!!! In the mean time, please keep sharing this on facebook, twitter, etc.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
1224 signatures so far! It would be nice to have more than 1500 signatures before I send this to the man. Would you please re-share this via facebook, twitter, google+ a few times more? I'm sure all the Minke & Fin whales oute there would be very grateful for your support! Thanks –Leslie
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