LAST TWO DAYS TO HELP~~Last Chance for California's Sea Otters‏

  • da: Kelly Rogers
  • destinatario: California Franchise Tax Board


The Franchise Tax Board will retire the Fund after this year, unless it reaches this year’s target amount of $277,666.

Donating is easy! Giving as little as $1 (just look for line 410 on your 540 tax form)


Dear Kelly,

Our sea otters are in trouble -- but there's a simple thing you can do to help them survive: support the California Sea Otter Fund when you pay your taxes this year.

In past years, the California Sea Otter Fund has helped to fund programs that assist in protecting imperiled sea otters in your state. But 2014 might be your last chance to make this life-saving gift on your tax return.

The Franchise Tax Board will retire the Fund after this year, unless it reaches this year’s target amount of $277,666.

Learn how you can help save sea otters.

Donating is easy! Giving as little as $1 (just look for line 410 on your 540 tax form) could give our sea otters a new lease on life.

The California Sea Otter Fund supports researchers doing vital work to recover threatened sea otters throughout California. The goal of this research is to determine why sea otters are still threatened and how we can protect and recover these amazing creatures that live along our coast.

Learn more about how you can support sea otter recovery while paying your taxes by visiting our website -- then tell your friends and family about this life-saving opportunity.

There are tens of millions of taxpayers in California. That means that if enough caring people like you give just $1 or more, sea otters across the state have a greater chance of survival.

Giving a little can go a long way. But we'll need all hands on deck -- and your help in spreading the word.

Please remember California sea otters when you file your state taxes this year -- then tell your friends and family to support the Sea Otter Fund to give one of California's most beloved animals the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Thanks for making a difference.


Haley Stewart
California Program Associate
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Voluntary contributions through this tax check-off are the only financial source for the California Sea Otter Fund. Since we have fewer than 3,000 sea otters left in California -- and millions of state taxpayers -- we can do a lot if we each do a little.

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