Demand NC officials to stop the murdering of foxes, raccoons, and skunks!

Currently the NCWildlife Commission automatically euthanizes any and all raccoons, foxes and skunks that are caught or found orphaned. Rehabbing in the State is not allowed even though it is allowed in 17 other states. It is also illegal to own these animals as a pet. Our Sly Cooperette was murderd. She was orphaned by her natural mother, so we took her in and cared for her for 7 months. We took her to the vet and gave her all the love we could.On nOv 30,2015, 5 armed men showed up at our house and illegally seized her and euthanized her within 70 minutes. Policy states that any animal that has been vaccinated must be held for 72 hours. The complete story is at www.

The NC Wildlife, Moore County Sheriffs Dept, and Moore County Animal Control Came today and murdered my Sly Cooperette. Where is her Justice. They kill all raccoons regardless. She was vaccinated for rabies (by a licensed vet). Within minutes of arriving in Carthage she was dead. If given a few more hours we had a rehabber from SC with a raccoon Island coming for her. This law NEEDS to change now. Help me fight for Sly Cooperette call Jamie Boles office at 919-733-5903 and tell them you support Sly.  THIS IS A WARNING FOR SQUEAMISH FOLKS READ NO FARTHER. We did not receive her head back because all captured raccoons in NC are killed and then decapitated to be tested for rabies. Again i will say we had Sly Cooperate for months, she was vaccinated. we have the records. So she was not a public health threat. In North Carolina there is a ketchup like packet that can be distributed The State of South Carolina allows raccoons to be rehabbed as well as be kept in captivity. We had a bill in the State of North Carolina that allows you to keep one.

Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Thank you to everyone that has signed. With this petition and the one one that is on we now have 3000 signatures. We need a hundred thousand to get this bill passed!!! Please share this story with as many people as you can! We have legislative support!
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