Pastor Removal: Taking Back Our Voice!

  • da: Anonymous
  • destinatario: The Members of the Church

-There Have Been SEVERAL Instances Where the Pastor Uses His Title In VAIN.

-It's a Concern Because We Want a Pastor That's SINCERE!! Not Using God's Name As a CRUTCH.

-There Needs to Be Action Taken to Get OUR VOICES Back to Let the Pastor Know That We Serve God and NOT HIM!

-He Tries to Clean Outsiders Before Embracing Them. 

-He Doesn't Give Members An Actual CHOICE to Do Things! It's His Way or No Way! 

-He Rules By Dictatorship. 

-He Dictates How Every Ministry Should Operate: Examples Are: 

1. Pastors Aid: Pays for All Unnecessary Fees That He Himself Caused. (Foreign Studies) 

2. Praise and Worship: He Wants Us to Sing What He Requests and NOT What God Wants. 

3. Kitchen Committee: Wants Specific Foods to Be Cooked According to HIS Likings. Then, Wants ONLY Guess Groups to Eat and Chooses If/When Members Can Join and Eat in Fellowship Hall. When WE THE MEMBERS Are Paying and Cooking This FOOD! 

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