Time to End Illegal Wildlife Markets That Led to Deadly Outbreak of the Coronavirus

It's a scary time for global health as the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus - originating in Wuhan, China - spreads quickly. Over 200 people have died, and over 10,000 cases have been diagnosed in China alone. Even worse, there is currently no cure. The number of infected is growing every day and has already expanded to over 24 countries, but the outbreak itself could have been prevented from the outset! 

Sign on now to demand China cracks down on illegal wildlife markets like the one where this outbreak started. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) believes the disease was spread by bats, badgers, snakes, or rats. Many of the scariest diseases we face today spread to humans from animals, which is why it's so critical that any animal trade is closely regulated. It's reported that these markets are cramped and unhygienic, not to mention they can trade in endangered animals. Scientists say you couldn't create a better situation for the spread of a virus: tight quarters of too many species, secretions,  and urine mixing together. These markets shouldn't exist as they are a petri dish for diseases.  

For health and conservation reasons, these markets must be banned altogether. 

The coronavirus has gone global now, and most major American airlines have completely stopped flights between the two countries. Massive travel restrictions, quarantines, and supportive treatment have been put into place in China, but the disease is still spreading quickly. This is at least partially because there aren't enough tests, which is why we must also fund the effort to halt this scary disease right away. 

But in order to prevent a similar outbreak in the future, we need to get at the root cause: illegal wildlife markets. Please sign to demand China shuts down such markets immediately!

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