Tell Nordstrom to Stop Selling Canada Goose Products

  • da: Valerie P
  • destinatario: Pete Nordstrom, President of Merchandising

Nordstrom is often on the forefront of fashion, and arguable has also been helping bring non-vegan fashion products into the mainstream. Just type "vegan" into the search box on their website, and hundreds of results will appear. Unfortunately, Nordstrom is also selling Canada Goose products, a company that is known to work with suppliers that horribly torture geese and cruelly capture and kill coyotes for their fur. PETA conducted a recent investigation proved that Canada Goose's statements that it is “deeply committed” to the “ethical sourcing of all animal materials” is far from the truth.

Nordstrom can send a powerful message to Canada Goose by not selling their products. Take a stand and tell Nordstrom to stop selling and promoting a brand that brings such harm to innocent animals! Share this petition with others so we can make a difference.

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