supports violence against women is a review site promoting real people and real reviews. Women who have been raped and decide not to post photos or personal information about themselves are accused of lying about rape and harassed by other Yelp members. These abusive members are REWARDED by being allowed to keep their elite status. Nothing is done when numerous complaints are filed against these perpetrators, even when it goes all the way to the top. After the bullies are given a small slap on the wrist, they come back to again brutalize women who have suffered violence by calling them psychotic liars, openly laughing at their pain and fears. What does Yelp do about this? NOTHING. The offenders are STILL THERE HARASSING rape victims, forcing them to cancel their accounts in tears.  STOP THE ABUSE! Let Yelp's CEO Jeremy Stoppelman know there are more important things than cashing in on his shiny new business. Tell him and other Yelp executives you won't tolerate the company's support of violence against women or rape victims. Demand that offenders be punished and their accounts canceled.
You have given funding to, a review site promoting real people and real reviews. Women who have been raped and decide not to post photos or personal information about themselves are accused of lying about rape and harassed by other Yelp members. These abusive members are REWARDED by being allowed to keep their elite status. Nothing is done when numerous complaints are filed against these perpetrators, even when it goes all the way to the top. After the bullies are given a small slap on the wrist, they come back to again brutalize women who have suffered violence by calling them psychotic liars, openly laughing at their pain and fears. What does Yelp do about this? NOTHING. The offenders are STILL THERE HARASSING rape victims, forcing them to cancel their accounts in tears.  STOP THE ABUSE!

We the undersigned do not support CEO Jeremy Stoppelman's effort to protect his funding and shiny new business at the expense of violence against women or rape victims. We won't tolerate the company's support of this and urge you to demand that offenders be punished and their accounts canceled.
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