Town of Southeast should secede from NY and join CT
WHEREAS, New York State has the highest taxes and the most dysfunctional state legislature in the United States, and
WHEREAS, the State oif Connecticut has dissolved county government and taken other measures to have tax rates that are substantially lower, especially for income, fuel, and sales taxes, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Southeast is contiguous to the borders of the State of Connecticut, and
WHEREAS, the citizens of the Town of Southeast desire both lower taxes and a more functional State government, now,
THEREFORE, we, the citizens of the Town of Southeast, hereby petition our town government to place a referendum on the ballot in November, 2011, which would direct the town government to formally request that the State of New York, the State of Connecticut, and the Congress of the United States pass enabling legislation to allow the Town of Southeast to remove itself from the jurisdiction of the State of New York and enter the jurisdiction of the State of Connecticut at the earliest practical date.
We talk a great deal about lowering taxes and eliminating layers of government. Meanwhile, on our eastern border, our neighboring state has already done so. We talk a great deal about our state legislature being the "most dysfunctional" in the nation. Did it ever occur to you that we can leave New York and join Connecticut? There are provisions in the US Constitution which allow us to do just that. It is a long road with many hurdles, but the first step is to sign this petition, and get your neighbors to sign it, too. If we get 1000 signatures, we can draw up a more formal written petition to circulate in the Spring. Care to stop talking and "take up arms against a sea of troubles"? Join me.
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