Save Khimki forest!

  • da: No one yet
  • destinatario: Dmitry Medvedev (Russian president)
Khimki forest is the north lung of Moscow. Moose, owls, black and colorful woodpeckers, jays, hedgehogs, squirrels and many other animals live there. However, this beautiful forest now is in danger. Nowdays it's being destroyed to build new Moscow-St.Petersburg route. Activists trying to stop this disaster are being threatened and even attacked. Please help us to save this piece of nature!
Dear Mr President!
We the undersigned appeal to you to stop the destruction of the Khimki park.
Currently, officials from the Ministry of Transport and the Moscow region are planning to  destroy the whole  park (over 900 ha). Forest is the unique ecosystem, it is home to elk and other wild animals and birds. He has a determining influence on the ecological situation in the surrounding areas of Moscow and the region.
The road that is going to be built will divide the forest into 2 parts - that means total destruction of its ecosystem.Moreover, Resolution N 358/16 of 28.04.2006, Moscow Region Government, attaches the strip width of 3000 m (!) In each direction "for the placement of transport infrastructure and other capital construction projects".
We do not want this to happen. We believe there are another ways to resolve the transport problem. For example, Leningrad highway, going in the same direction, is currently being increased.
We also ask you to pay attention to the attempts to attack and intimidate activists who try to stop this disaster. Such cases won't maintain the image of Russia as the free, democratic country.
Please, help us to defend our future and our enviroment! Please protect this wonder of nature - this Khimki forest.
Thank you.
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